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Al-Qaeda Treated Italian Hostage Well

Ats Tsaqofah -" Truly, we are treated so well. We were never tied, " that was the statement of Philomene Kabouree, Sergio Cicala's wife. Those two people was Italian hostaged of Al-Qaeda Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). They were finally setting in free after being a hostage during four months.

That admission was said on last week by Kaburee after being released by AQIM together with her husband at Mali

They were fed properly. " We are even given a bread and milk for breakfast. They also give us to eat to whatever they eat."

" The only problem for us was the hot temperature" Said this Burkina Fasos's woman.

That  reason bring a worry on them for others Spain hostage who still on AQIM hands.

At  the end of last year, two Italian citizens, three Spain humanity workers and a France citizens were kidnapped in the attack at Mauritania and Mali.

Previously, a France and Spain citizen has been released by AQIM before that Italian pair. 

Source : reuters

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