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Hundred Protesters Rejected Tony Blair Visit At Malaysian

Ats Tsaqofah  - Hundred of angry protesters treads and burned Tony Blair picture yesterday, April 24,  when that English prime minister delivered a speech in a business meeting at Malaysia.

The anti- war activists lifted and yelled slogans of his involvement in Iraq invasion. They threatened to throw shoe to him- a big humiliation action assumed the Arabian and moslem as happened to US president, George W. Bush.

All protesters, include Iraq citizens living on Malaysia, described Blair as criminal of war. They also said that he must be brought to international court for his involvement support in American invasion to Iraq which causes the death for civil Iraq citizens.

"We averse Tony Blair visit at Malaysia because his arms are full of Iraq people blood . he must Die" said Amani Majid, 44, college student at local university.

Policeman did not breakup the protester when they unfold several banners said: "Blair the murderer, "  and " Get lost from Malaysia. " Osama Abdul Karim, 30, an Iraq college student said: " he is a criminal of war, Blair should not come to this area, and speak about success in business" he ruins infrastructure of Iraq. . he must be throwed with a pair of shoes. what kind of democration he brought to Iraq? I was the evacuee of  Iraq and with my family I came to this country in 2006. Iraq is no longer be a safe country for us " he added.

Unfortunately, Blair was remained to have a speech for more than 40 minutes on the event attended by more than 3.000 people. that program was conducted by a company  at singapore. 

Source : voa-islam.com

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