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A Woman Can Pull Four Man Into The Hell

The advise of prophet to Ali. ra

O Ali,
there are 3 signs in believers:
they do not lay their hearts to the wealth
they do not amaze to the woman temptation
they hates toward word in vain

O Ali,
There are 3 signs of pious person:
honest in say
keep away all prohibited
full of modesty

O Ali,
There are 3 signs of the devout person:
afraid lies and contemptible
keep away the harm
ask the rightful for fear of falling into badness

A woman, on hereafter will pulling four man together with her into the  hell.

First: her father
somebody who become a father and careless about their daughter.
a father who doesn't  teach any religion needs, such as teaching the way of praying and reading al Quran, etc.
a father who let their daughters to open their aurat intentionally 
he only give world luxury
this kind of father will be pulled into the hell together with his daughter.

Second: her husbands
a husband who do not care about their wife behaviors and actions. such as,let them associate free, having a make up for non mahram men,etc
a husband who does not take any actions toward their wifes,
although he is a pious person, praying on time,fasting all the time, but he will be pulled into the hell with her wife.

Third: her brothers
when their father has died, the responsibility of taking care woman dignity is given to their brothers.
if he only consider their main family, and ignore his younger sister, ….
he will be pulled on the fire of hell at hereafter

Fourth: her sons,
a son who does not give any advises for the prohibit action and behavior of their mothers. they will be asked and taking any responsible for her at hereafter.

All of us should realize how the great the pulling of woman to bring a man into the hell. Man  playing important role to teach and bring woman into the kindness.

By : Cahaya Iman

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