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Why Don't Father Go To Jihad?

Ats Tsaqofah - Something amazing happened in a family gathering. Seven years old kid walked closer to his father and asked a question. "Father, why don't you go to jihad?". The conversation between them were wrote on the fourth edition of Shautul-Jihad (voice of Jihad).

The father felt so surprise after listening to her beloved kid’s question. then, he tried to give his daughter a good question as well "If I go to Jihad and killed, then you will not have a father?"

Beyond imagination, that little girl answered, "If you are killed, then you will get syahid, dad. You will entering the heaven. absolutely, we will accompany you there"

The question and answered delivered by that little girl reflected a perfect faith, natural character, and obedience to Allah.

That little girl can be perfect example for the parents in teaching their kids, because All of us who want to give big lesson of faith and jihad for sure. So, we can start by strengthen a good faith that is perfectly free from the deviation of unbelievers and hypocrite people.

We should also teach our kids about Islam at the same way as what the prophet had gave for us. Beside, we have to explain to them, that they should bring Islamic victory back as moslem had got in past. We also have to prepare their mental and physic such as: Teach them using the gun, support them to be brave and full spirit of fi sabilillah,  and have wishes to die in syahid, because syahid is the best way to be close to Allah.

We hope that our kids will  understand the whole values of magnificence and do the right way of Jihad. So they will transformed into glorious Mujahid who feel proud of Islam, protect and defend Islam, and also destroy the institution of unbelievers. As a result, islamic power will always be number one.

We wish Allah improve our quality of faith. We pray to Allah to make all of us, including our childrents as mujahid fi sabilillah. Hopefully Allah always bless us, and bring us together in heaven one day.

source : voa-islam.com

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